Clips 1.5mm (3-12mm) – 2000 piece
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Our clips are made from high quality plastic which resists deformation during installation.
The material used to produce the clips is thoroughly tested to give a perfect balance between hardness and flexibility. They are strengthened at the middle where the pliers grip to fit the wedge. The base has a new slim tapered design to assist in sliding under tiles. The break point below the tile is designed to be flexible while being strong enough during fitting (not brittle to snap while fitting). The design is perfect in that the clip will snap clean under the tile easily when tile is set. Many other brands are brittle and will snap at the base while fitting rendering the clip useless.
Clips may also be used to maintain perfect spacing between tiles.
They are available in various thicknesses from 1mm to 3mm to give desired grout lines. These are 1.5mm clips which will give a 1.5mm grout line.
Ideal for all types of tiles.
Our clips adjust to all standard tile thicknesses. These clips are standard height clips for tiles from 3mm – 12mm thick. For thicker stone, marble tiles etc. of 13mm – 22mm thick please go back to the High Clips range.
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